Please note that unless otherwise stated the session fee does not include any digital files or products. There are no minimum purchases, you purchase what you love only after seeing your images. Our wall art prints start at $495 and offer 100% money back guarantee if you don’t love your images.
Family, Sessions
Session fee weekdays: $200
Session fee weekends: $250
Please note, a $100 retainer is required to secure your booking and it can be applied towards products or 100% refundable if you do not purchase any products after your viewing.
Child/Maternity/Family (up to 60 mins) Please allow one more hour for viewing and ordering session right after your studio photoshoot.
We offer a full-service studio photography experience and believe in delivering beautiful high quality printed portraits and wall art for your home.
Our wall art prints start at $495 and our clients typically spend $1,000 and up. We have products and services for all budget levels so feel free to get in touch for more information.
We always get the question “Can we just get digitals”. The answer is, of course. Although we believe in the power and impact of a beautiful print, we understand that some of our clients still prefer digital files. If that is you, we have several digital collections starting at $1250
Wall Art Acrylics starting at $495
Signature portrait box starting at $1750
8x12 and 8x10 prints in an 11x14 mat collections starting at $750